Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Wednesday: Water Truck

Today was a more physically strenuous day than the others we have had so far. We started off the morning by going to a church at 6:00am. It was great to be able to see how the Haitians worship, giving their all to God. We had the opportunity to be led back to Guest House by one of the neighborhood boys. We enjoyed a delicious breakfast, Alicia led us in a devotion, and we then were off for the day!

Our main task for the day was delivering water to the poorest slum of Port-Au-Prince, Citie Soleil. The process began by filling up the 9,000 gallon water truck at the local water station, and then driving to each section of Citie Soleil. These sections we visited today were: Seventeen, Four Coffins, and Nap Boule. As soon as we pulled into the neighborhood, the children knew what the large truck and tap-tap meant. They instantly began chasing after our vehicles, even climbing on the vehicles shouting, ''Hey you! Hey you!'', a traditional Healing Haiti phrase which we echoed back at them. Once the doors opened, we were engulfed by a mob of Haitian children, attempting to climb us, trying to feel and touch our hair, and asking to be held. Upon each stop, the members of our group would be divided into four different categories: 1) those working the hose in front of the water line, 2) those shuffling the buckets in the water line, 3) those that remained engulfed in the Haitian children, playing with them and showing them practical love, and 4) those who carried buckets back to the houses with the families. The entire ordeal was one of semi-ordered chaos. We stopped a total of three times in Citie Soleil. We are all incredibly blessed and exhausted to show these people the practical love by serving them with water and with our personal attention. We encourage you to ask whoever it is you're supporting about this experience. The children's joy and laughter, their care for each other and for their visitors, and their constant desire to tangibly feel and express love is still impacting us as we settle in for the night.

After we got back to the guesthouse and gathered several of the neighborhood boys, we all piled into the tap-tap and went to a local field and played a game of soccer (we were definitely outmatched!). Even though many members of our group were exhausted from going to church at 6:00 that morning, we mustered the energy to play a full game with them. It was a fun and tangible way to build relationships with the local neighborhood boys and a stress-free way to wrap up our time of service.
Our day ended with tacos for supper, a devotion on thankfulness, and a relaxing night at the guesthouse. We are all excited for tomorrow to visit Grace Village in Titanyen and to serve the elderly there. And we will have another round on the water truck on Saturday!
Please continue to be praying for us. Pray for willingness to serve, hearts that are grateful for what the Lord has given us, and for health and safety as we continue our journey.


Jake and Tina.


  1. Keep on being the hands and feet everyone! We are honored as parents and supporters to watch you being used by the Lord-keep your hearts open to what He has for you this week!

  2. Beautiful, necessary, real-life hands-and-heart love being expressed by you all. Imagining with you the kinds of Love seeping through these very practical and needed actions. Praying with and for you this morning!
